Advertising your dealership requires a revolutionary new attitude

Advertising your dealership requires a revaloutionary new attitude
Advertising has gone through more revolutionarychanges these past five years than in the previous thirty. Less than a decadeago, it was an easy decision as to how to build a dealership media plan. Oncethe ad planner decided how many Friday and Saturdays were in a month, most ofthe money left over would be divided between TV, radio, and possibly mail.Today, that thought process is different.
Newspaper no longer garners the lion’s share ofthe dealer’s ad budget. Today a good percentage of dealership budgets have aninternet component built in, along with broadcast. Mail has declined due to theease and prevalence of email marketing. So, will we see the same kinds ofchanges over the next five years as we did these last five? It is my beliefthat this cycle of change is only beginning.
Let’s start with television. How willtelevision withstand the changes in viewing habits and the abundance ofdifferent screens available to view TV content? Television is taking longer tobe transformed, unlike newspaper, which seemed to change overnight.
Long-form shows will continue to exist forever,but viewing habits will continue to change. More people will be watchingon-demand and streaming video. In time, you will view your TV as you would awebsite. You will select shows as you would when doing a Google search.There will no longer be numbers for channels. Networks will someday go away andyou will no longer have local TV stations.
Companies like YouTube and Netflixwill become your networks and you will be buying your automotive car ads fromthese companies. Cable TV and satellite TV will still exist, but internetcompanies will become equally viable distributors of programming. Much of thisis already happening today. We are sitting down less every day to watch theevening news, sports, or our favorite shows on big screens. Many of us willwatch these programs on a computer, PDA, or iPad. Today, as advertisers, wemust learn how to capture viewers on these alternate devices. We must learnmore about pre-roll video and learn how to get rating points in other ways.
Now, before you call your local TV or cablerepresentative to cancel your November advertising, relax, you still have time.These changes are slowly taking place and could take twenty years before theyfully replace TV of today. But, these changes mean great opportunities.
Newspaper will take on an entirelydifferent look. The paper as we know it today will change. You will see asmaller version of the daily—More the size of an iPad. People will still readthe newspaper, but will view it from the papers’ other platforms.
Radio continues to change as well, and satellitecontinues to grow. Watch for HD radio to totally revive the radio industry asit will offer a quality level equal to satellite. Radio has stood the test oftime and will continue to be a viable place for your advertising dollars.
So, overall, you will still use the samemediums you previously used to advertise your dealership, but the way you usethese mediums will continue to make revolutionary changes. Now is the time foryou to take on a new revolutionary attitude as to how you approach youradvertising.