The best way to do NOTHING

Just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you’re doing anything thatmatters.
In fact, the busier you are, the greater your chances thatyou’re not doing things that really matters at all.
Think about that for a second. It might be that the more you dothe less happens. Frantic behavior and midnight paranoia aren’t theanswer to solving complex problems.
Nothing is.
You doing nothing is the answer.
And while this flies in the face of your brain’s rapidly-firingfear signals, doing nothing is the secret to achieving audacious acts of mindblowing brilliance.
How well you do nothing determines how successful you are.
It’s not an excuse though.
Not putting in the effort required to achieve success is neverthe right course of action. Neither is going through the motions so that thosearound you think you’re staying busy.
The best way to do nothing is to set aside time to do nothing.
Instead of conforming to the chaos of your schedule, you takecontrol and deliberately blocked out chunks of time to do nothing.
Time where you can think. Time where you can meditate. Timewhere you can stimulate your brain creatively.
It’s a deliberate conflict with the busyness that stops you fromthinking about what you are doing and how you’re doing it. It’s the antidoteto uncertainty and fear and self-induced pain.
It’s less, not more.
You have to pause and be quiet – you have to do nothing – inorder to see where you’re going. To feel your way towards success.
Doing more just means you might be making more mistakes.
The reality is that the best plans in the world fall apart. Yoursmartest advisers gets it wrong sometimes. Life will serve you a raw deal.
It takes deliberate quietness to stay focused and motivated.
Just going through the motions, pretending that your head is inthe game, just makes you a loser.
You lose when you give in to chaos. The best plan is to donothing about it .
Andthe best way to do that is to stop and think about it.